The Center for Embedded Networked Sensing (CENS) was a research enterprise funded by the National Science Foundation based at UCLA. Established at UCLA in 2002, the CENS group conducted research primarily in the computer science subfield of embedded sensor networks. In 2008 Brendan became a CENS High School Scholar. CENS later established an award in Brendan’s memory for other high school scholars.

CENS Isoceles Award
The Center has established the Isoceles Award in Brendan’s memory. A photo from his Deviant Art gallery collection was chosen to adorn the award. “The name and the image of the triangle in the rocks with the sky poking through was perfect for this award,” said CENS education director Karen Kim.
Brendan’s Work at CENS
With fellow CENS researchers Kelsey Whitesell, Nithya Ramanathan, and Deborah Estrin, Brendan co-authored a paper describing the design and construction of a system to analyze sensor data taken through cell phones, extracting indoor air pollution information by comparison to a calibrated color chart. This system was intended for a project to replace traditional cooking methods with clean cooking technology.